Wednesday, October 19, 2011



Its pouring here in Southern Ohio and about 50.  My horse is tucked in his cozy warm stall for the day because this is not my idea, or his, of ideal riding weather. Lucky for us we get to choose.

Yet it's perfect for writing. And starting this blog. So here goes.  Eat, Ride, Write, Play.

Eat and prepare good food. Ride horses.Write something that makes a difference. Play outside, support the environment, enjoy art and play great music. I suppose I live life in those lanes.

Today started with food.

I launched my morning with breakfast at The Sunrise Cafe. Their rich Equal Exchange Coffee is a staple. Bright yellow scrambled organic eggs with rich organic cheddar made up the road cheese melted my morning awake. Crispy local nitrite free bacon crunched in my mouth, making the smooth rich eggs taste yummier.

A cup of their Joe came out with me. It sits next to the computer. A fond reminder of keeping track of my time. I have to head back to The Sunrise which is also my nightspot...every night except Tuesdays. I work six nights a week at the front of the house power partying in basic black as Hostess with the Mostess, Right now, it's my day, excuse me, night job supporting my core as I continue to rebuild my life after a catastrophic accident. More about that later.(No, it was not on a horse.Thank God.)

Lucky for me, the days are mine, and my horses. We coach humans about riding as well as how to learn new communication skills, build strong foundations for themselves and their business, too. However, I always leave time in my day to write. Like now.

The local library has become my 'other' office because my wonderful beloved personal used MacBook Pro laptop is toast so I'm using the library's free PC's. Thanks Greene County!

A  late fall scene out the big picture window of the Yellow Springs Library tells me winter is not far away. A few trees are still green yet most have turned or lost their leaves. And the's cold and steady. Inside, fluorescent lighting stares back at me. It keeps me awake. Otherwise I'd be curled up in one of the beanbags on the floor like a cat and take advantage of a pre-shift snooze. 

Orange fairy lights drape bookshelves and RIP plastic gravestones pop up between books and magazines. I hope that's not a weird metaphor of things to come. My surroundings are important to me when I write. I need inspiration. Books are good for that don't you think?

I write all the time...or maybe I should say writing does me. At the ripe old age of seven, to avoid being sent away to Julliard, I gave up the violin and started my own newspaper. Why?  So I could buy a horse. Duh!  Success came in no time and needless to say, I kept the cycle going. And then some.

Along the way, besides focusing on riding and equine health and management, I also became a restauranteur and retail manager, environmental and non-profit specialist, music venue producer and one of the first Certified Equine Assisted Therapist in the US. They all involve writing, support my horse addiction, practice good stewardship and are service oriented, which pretty much wraps up what is important to me.

Horses and humans I'd say are at the top of my list to write about these days. The LIFEHORSE Project is the research baby I've been nurturing for a long time now. Its mostly about Autism, PTSD, TBI, yet includes other anomolies Equine Assisted Therapy helps.

I am inspired by how, for thousands of years, humans have encouraged other humans to use horses as healing agents. Yet, today, you almost need a prescription for it to be a believable source of successful therapy.

Alexander the Great  knew about this. He sits on the cover of a book next to me. His wild black horse rears in the air, mouth open, tail curled up over his back. Alexander sits his mount as if Sally Sexton was his teacher. Centered, pelvis in the perfect position, sword raised, his bareback rider approach must have served him well. Let's face it. The guy would have been eating dirt if he hadn't found a natural position that complimented his horses. are starting to invade my office space. Must be close to three. Time to go put on black and party at The Sunrise.

Tomorrow's blog? Hunt Breakfast tails, and more. 
Enjoy your afternoon...and remember.

Eat, Ride, Write, and Play!